Friday, April 17, 2015

Denise Hicks servant of satan

What Denise Hicks says 

Hope House Cebu is a scam set up by a sly con artist named David Merrill Wilkerson.
And believe me when I tell you he is good at what he does! David is a Pro at conning
people. It is an unbelievable system! His biggest downfall is that the longer you are
around him, the more he talks. Because I never showed shock or outrage, he continued
to talk until the day I told him he was no man of God. Then it became a nightmare.
Here is what I know to be the truth, first a little information on David.

The Truth
Denise never told me I was not a man of God, She began attacking openly when I
exposed her online for lying to sponsors behind my back .Denise would not accept my help and went on her own from day one, only visiting our church one time. Denise would have nothing to do with hope house cebu or helping.. and lied that I refused to help her behind my back and told other lies.. That is when I exposed her. 
She rented a mansion style house and attempted to gain the loyalty and love of the kids, meanwhile
running me down behind my back and telling lies.. The kids rejected her and she became furious and threatened them by saying she would destroy hope house cebu and get their support taken away. 
What Denise Hicks says:

David Merrill Wilkerson says he is 54 years old (when I mention "he says" it is
because who knows what his real name or anything else about what he says is true). He
was born with a lucky name. David Ray Wilkerson was a very famous Preacher, he was a
true man of God. This link shows you who
everyone was trying to find on Facebook. Everyone has one right? So if you search his
name and the word Pastor. you will find Hope House Cebu. The real David Wilkerson
passed away in a car wreck, God rest his soul.

The Truth

" The real David Wilkerson" Denise says..
I have never implied I was the David Wilkerson from New York City. I have in my about
section posted that I am not and have often said that I am not.
What Denise Hicks says:
He tells you he came here to save and feed the children. Not true, this was his
second time coming to the Philippines, he came here like lots of older, unattractive
white men do. To find a young teenage bride. It is very common here. According to
David, he came here the first time, married a young wife and took her back to the
USA. This marriage did not work out, they divorced. So, time to find a new young
bride. He came back and this time came to Cebu. He says, the bride he came to claim
was a lesbian and so the marriage did not take place. Now he does not have a bride,
but does not want to return to the USA.

The Truth

I came to Cebu to help the kids and my many thousands of photos and hundreds of
videos show this to be the case. We not only feed, but support the kids in school and
this is proven. We are registered with the SEC of the Philippines and are backed by
local officials and partnered with local pastors. It is true that I married a lady
from the Philippines that was not a teen bride, she was over 30 years old and a
college teacher in computers. Her motives for coming to the USA were her own and I am
not going to condemn her. She left me to pursue her own life and goals.

I do have a wife here and this can be proven by court records. Again Denise Hicks is
a liar and can easily be proven to be a liar. My wife is well known by our supporters
and we have a son born Christmas Eve 2013.
What Denise Hicks says
David is like most long term criminals, he has a huge chip on his shoulder because he
spent a good bit of his life in Prison for theft. So blame the US for your crimes.
Now, mind you he is very very proud of his prison time. He speaks about it daily.
Like he is a Martyr for the poor people that get caught being thieves and going to
jail. And, let's face it, Christians love to hear a story about how someone that was
bad and down and out suddenly turned their life over to God and spent the rest of
their life doing God's will.

The Truth

This is just rambling by Denise.. I was in prison, but released in 1986.. I never
returned to prison.

What Denise Hicks says

 I was expected to get some money from a product liability law suit and considered
helping him become a legal citizen if I did indeed get a substantial sum. He said it
was about 2,000 USD at that time. Of course I have not given him a dime since I have
been here. I bought a lot of food and took it to him once because he posted he had no
money for feed the kids for Pray Meeting, good food! He fed them a peanut-butter
sandwich. Then openly told me that he removed a comment about getting food from me
because he did not want food, he wanted money.

The Truth
Denise told us she was getting money for back child support not a law suit .
Denise promised our ministry 10,000 dollars before she came. I was very skeptical of
this promise. As she says she gave nothing, and is making up stories as to why she
didnt give. She also promised children and mothers many things and never kept a promise.
They will all tell you that she is a liar. She also promised a teacher she would help
her little school, and the teacher will tell you that she lied and never did help her
as she promised she would. Denise raised money online to help people here, but she
kept the money and never sent it.. As to her statement as to what I said about not wanting food 
and wanting money.. that is simply another made up lie
What Denise Hicks says

David found he could get work as a call center agent and use the internet cafe's
here. He landed a job with UNICEF. He  learned how the whole sponsorship program
worked. For a con man in a 3rd world country, this was a great opportunity! He also
found FaceBook.

The Truth

I never worked for UNICEF. I worked at home for a company called Simba Cal in the
USA. and some other places. I set appointments for sales people. I also worked for
Real Estate agents.. Sponsoring came about talking to childhood friends on Facebook
who have supported Hope House Cebu from day one..

What Denise Hicks says
He also found an 18 yr old girl named Ailene, Now, as luck would have it, Ailene had
no children of her own, but she had a huge family with lots of kids. They did not
marry right away according to David. He says at one point before the call center jobs
he was homeless and she kicked him out. You see he was living with her family. Now,
he has his young girl, and he loves the internet. Now he will start making a living
using FaceBook. The first Hope House kid is Rchelle. He tells you on FaceBook that
she was an orphan with no where to go until he rescued her and that is how it began.
Rchelle is Ailene's sister's daughter (Michelle). He made his Facebook and got her a
sponsor. Now comes the rest of the children in Ailene's family. Adelle also Ailene's
sister is the mother of Bebong and Gianna Heralyn, Lester, Nicko, Adrian, Christian,
Marstella lived in Argoa and that sister Goe rest her soul passsed away after the
last child was born, and so on. Now that he found sponsors for his own immediate
family, they were doing pretty well. Rent is cheap here, and so is rice. However,
being a greedy thief it was not enough.

The Truth 
Christian and Marstella live in Argao and are not sponsored and do not receive regular assistance
We do help them with school uniforms and supplies as we do a lot of other not sponsored kids

Ailene and I did marry. Ailene was part of a group who had their homes demolished by
a local developer. When I first came to Cebu, I ran out of money, and I was homeless
a short time before I rented a house from my work.. Ailene never kicked me out, I did
not live with Ailene. I never said that Rhechelle was an orphan. The children who
live in my house do have a sponsor as well as over 100 other children who live
outside my house. Denise Hicks rented a Mansion style house here and attempted to
start her own hope house cebu by stealing our kids and supporters. There were four ladies 
who hatched this plan to start their own hope house cebu.. One lady dropped out and informed 
me of their intentions... Tia Puckett Brown was one of those ladies. They were convinced I was a scam
and that they could do a much better job, or they sought what they thought was easy money and glory 
and fame. Tia asked for donations online for beach front property in Argao to help the kids, bringing them from cebu, with no plan whatsoever how to support the kids.. living in a fantasy internet dream world 

Tia came here on pell grant money which is a federal crime and partied with teen boys in hotels. We have a short clip of one of those parties where teen boys are dancing to dirty music with Tia looking on. Tia also
got drunk here in parties with teen boys around town.. We never told about this, and I am now simply
because the truth needs to be known. 

What Denise Hicks says
He has a book that he uses for posts about God and Jesus. He found out he could
change a few words around and have it suit his needs. There is where you see the
Preacher like status updates. He told me and my husband that he did not believe in
any religion at all. That he never read the bible and still does not read the bible.
He told me he did not believe in Prayer or Miracles.  He said that he believes God is
using him regardless and forcing him to do his will. So, we are suppose to believe
that a non-believer was chosen by God to save the children, and guess what? People
believe him! He never told me these things until I was living here, but as I spoke to
many sponsors they knew.

The Truth

The "book" I use for posts is the Bible. I do paraphrase it. It is correct I told
them I have no religion. I am not identified with any denomination. I simply follow
the bible and the words of Jesus Christ. Denise Hicks is not married to her live in
partner Emmett at the time they were here. She also believes in abortion and gay
marriage. I surrendered to God over 5 years ago and I have been serving God since
that time.

what Denise Hicks says
Rchelle has many friends and there are many people living here in this area of
course, and they are all poor. He knows that through UNICEF you do not get weekly or
daily photos of your sponsored child. He also knows it is impossible to prove that
child is getting anything. However, UNICEF saves kids around the world, they are
endorsed by leading companies, the Government, Celebrities, and they are a registered
international Non -Profit organization. UNICEF does not play favorites, they feed and
help all of the children where they are stationed around the globe. So, how awesome
is it that you would get to see photos of your sponsored child weekly or more? Feels
really good to see that you are helping a poor child grow. There is a catch to that,
there are poor kids in every country, including the USA. How does he get Americans
and other abroad to give him money for these kids?

The Truth

Again Denise mentions UNICEF.. Im not sure what her point is about UNICEF.. I have
nothing to do with them. We have been investigated by Homeland Security and local
officials and DSWD and no charges were ever brought against us.. These investigations
were begun because of reports by Denise and others she lied to. Denise Hicks
threatened the children here and swore she would get their support taken away because
they did not worship her. We are registered with the SEC of the Philippines
What Denise Hicks says

He uses the UNICEF website and takes photos as though they were his own, he steals a
few photos of kids living in a landfill, living in a cemetery, photo of young men
that at one time some years ago sold their own kidneys for food, and a photo of a
father holding his dead child after a devastating typhoon. But that is not the
biggest draw for him, he uses Human Trafficking. He must save the girls from being
kidnapped and sold into prostitution. So, let's talk about that. He says that all of
the families in his neighborhood are approached by Trafficker's and sold to purchase
food, because they are starving.

The Truth

I use my own photos and always have. We do prevent trafficking through our support of
children ( girls) living in the highest risk populations. I would challenge anyone to
check my photos against any website.. The truth is people steal my photos to raise
money. Denise did that. If I do use a photo from another source, I identify the photo
as not my own.
What Denise Hicks says

David tells us the girls will be taken to a Bikini Bar, and there are some here in
Cebu. What he does not tell you is that it is no different than any other strip club
in the world. You have to speak English and be 18 years old. He knows that, Ailene,
his wife and her Sister worked in the bikini bars. If it were true that he is afraid of every girl here being kidnapped and sold into slavery, then why do the Hope House girls roam the streets all night unsupervised?
This neighborhood is far from the tourist Bikini bars. Do bad things happen in there?
Of course! But the owners do not go to the slums and kidnap to get workers.

The Truth

 Ailene and her sister have never worked in a bikini bar
and this is easily proven by witnesses here... There are underage girls working in
bikini bars and this is why Bill Gates funded a task force to combat this here.
Hope House girls do not roam the streets at night. Girls are not kidnapped to work in
bikini bars, they are recruited.. and Denise has no idea what she is talking about
because she was too busy promoting herself and her selfish agenda.
What Denise Hicks says

David would like us to believe that he rescues street kids. This is not true at all.
What he does is grab a child that is scavenging, offers the child 50 pesos, and takes
the scavenger back to Hope House. Now the kid is probably scared to death. The girls
bathe the child (and of course it is always a boy) put some clothes that are way too
big on him, feed him a mayo sandwich, takes tons of photos, and send him on his way.
He admits to doing this on Facebook. This always brings him in some extra donations.
This is his most recent victim.

The Truth

The problem of children on the streets is a complex one. We do not have the resources
to support street children long term. What we do is bring them to our house to show
them where it is, and if they want to return they can for food, clothes and other
help. Most of the street kids do have some form of guardian out there, and are very
difficult cases to say the least. They will steal and also present a danger to our
kids and this is why we do not house them, aside from the fact that we simply cant
afford to do so. We do take food out to the street kids and feed them. We have managed
to get a few children into housing.
What Denise Hicks says

David never goes anywhere with a child. He spends hours upon hours on Facebook
chatting and getting donations, daily. He calls it very hard work.

The Truth

Anyone watching our Facebook or photos or videos will know that I often take groups
of children shopping and out to eat and for activities.. Again Denise hasn't bothered
to look at our photos or is hoping you don't. Again Denise Hicks is a liar and a
false accuser. Who is the father of lies and the accuser? satan.
Denise Hicks came here under false pretenses with the express purpose to take Hope
House Cebu down and earn some sort of investigative journalist fame. When she could
find nothing wrong, she made up stories and paid people to lie on video. One of the
people she paid to lie on video died recently of cancer. All of the people in our
group who were eye witnesses to all the trouble she caused here will tell you that
she is a liar. I spend night times on Facebook and some in the day, and the other times I am 
seeing to our ministry here. 

Denise Hicks says

My husband and I bought a big suitcase full of medicines from Wal-mart our buggy was full! I was so excited to give David all of the medicines and first aid supplies!!   3 days later I was told it was all gone, it had been sold by David's mother-n-law at her little store. I cannot even begin to tell you of my disappointment. I had to ten go to the pharmacies there and pay for medicine for sick children, What kind of people will sell medicine so needed by the poor? Only the most greedy ones.

The Truth 

Denise brought a plastic bag of meds that looks like one or two or more cleaned out some medicine cabinets.. Half was expired and we threw it away...  We gave away the rest.. Again the witnesses here can verify all this.. a

Why am I taking so long to respond?

I have been busy working for God, and the last 18 months or so since this attack have
proven that to be true. Since our attackers insist on spreading the links to this
attack blog to people, and I have gotten messages about it, I am responding...
Included in this message or note are the links to our last 5 visitors who have been
here and also support us more as a result. You are welcome to contact them.

Thank you and thank you for reading.
We pray for Denise and hope that God can move to heal her tormented mind and heart
that would seek to harm defenseless children because of her own failed attempt at
personal glory, or whatever motivates a sick mind like this.

In the comments below I am posting the Facebooks of people who have visited us in person.. If you have received attack material that affects you, or you have a sincere interest to help us, you are welcome to ask these people who were here in person... If you need help contacting our visitors, just let me know..

    Patrick Cole

    Jonathan Rose

    Debbie Nowak
    Jeff Trotter


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  4. I am happy to see David taking time to respond to the false accusations made by Denise Hicks. I have been a supporter of Hope House for two years and can tell you it is a wonderful mission. The children are helped so much by those of you who also support Hope House. I sponsor a young boy and have for two years and will continue to do so as long as I am able. God Bless David Wilkerson!!!!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Did you see this BJ? Shameful!

    3. coming to USA Denise... lawsuit coming your way...

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  9. ha ha... you are one sick lady Denise... Oh by the way the people you send money to are just using you.. dont you know that is what they do here? they care nothing about you.. they just want money. dont send them money and watch what happens
